Iain- I love Wright's work and the point on focusing light on education, learning, curiosity, and wonder. I appreciate this. Hope you're well this week? Cheers, -Thalia

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Thank you. Well apart from bruised ribs from my Italian adventures. I have a new post coming tomorrow.

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What are the chances now of stopping the road do you think? It's always heartbreaking to see beautiful woodland or other habitat destroyed for roads and other infrastructure.

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Probably now, at last, very good. Both Natural England and the Environment Agency have objected in the planning consultation. Natural England in particular have indicated that they cannot see a scenario where they would grant a licence. The new government has said they will look at alternatives. I’ve been campaigning for six years, so I’m not being complacent. Lots of local politicians have staked their reputations on getting this road built, and have tried to belittle the efforts of those trying to stop it. It wouldn’t surprise if they continue to drag out the process.

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That sounds hopeful at least, but as you say no room for complacency. Hope your campaign is successful.

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